BONUS|Rethinking the Enlightenment w/ Dr. Joseph Stuart

What are some common misconceptions people have about the Enlightenment? Was the Enlightenment really all bad? How did the enlightenment open up new avenues for faith to flourish? Dr. Joseph Stuart joins us to discuss his new book Rethinking the Enlightenment: Faith in the Age of Reason.
Guest Bio
Dr. Joseph T. Stuart is Associate Professor of History and Fellow of Catholic Studies at the University of Mary in Bismarck, North Dakota. His research and publications concern the life and work of cultural historian Christopher Dawson, the cultural history of the Great War, and the Enlightenment of the eighteenth century. He’s the author of the recent book Rethinking the Enlightenment: Faith in the Age of Reason.
- What got you interested in studying the Enlightenment at a deep level?
- What was ‘The Enlightenment” and what are some common misconceptions people have about it?
- In the introduction you claim, “Despite creating serious challenges and direct attacks on faith, however, the Enlightenment also opened new avenues for faith to flourish—Christian faith in particular.” That’s quite the surprising thesis I think. Can you give us some highlights regarding how you defend it?
- Can you share a particular historical episode or two that you think would be both surprising and edifying for Catholics to hear?
Rethinking the Enlightenment: Faith in the Age of Reason by Dr. Joseph Stuart
Rethinking the Enlightenment (Sophia Institute Press link)
Dr. Joseph Stuart’s university webpage
Faith and Reason in the Enlightenment (a review of Dr. Stuart’s book)
Christianity and the Enlightenment (an interview at First Things)
Joseph Stuart’s appearance on EWTN Live w/ Fr. Pacwa
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