Ep. #58 – 3 Arguments for God w/ Brandon Vogt

Brandon Vogt joins us to defend three arguments for God’s existence from his recent book. First, he explains the purpose of his book and situates the chapter on God’s existence. Second, he discusses the Kalam argument, a moral argument, and an argument from reason. Finally, he defends them against several common objections.
Guest Bio
I’m joined by Brandon Vogt, a best-selling author, blogger, and speaker. Brandon is the content director at Word on Fire Catholic Ministries, the creator of Strangenotions.com, and the creator of ClaritasU.com. He’s also the author of the best selling 2018 book Why I Am Catholic (And You Should Be too). Brandon lives in Florida with his wife and seven children.
Show Outline
In the first segment, Brandon gives an overview of his book Why I Am Catholic (And You Should Be Too). He explains what he means by “evidence” and “clues” for God’s existence.
In the next segment, Brandon defends three arguments for God. When discussing the Kalam argument, he tells a fascinating story surrounding the formulation of the “Big bang” theory. Also, he defends the moral argument and an argument from reason itself.
In the final segment, I ask Brandon about the charge of “confirmation bias” being levied against Christians who defend their views. Brandon provides a helpful answer. Lastly, I ask him to give book recommendations for further reading on the arguments he discusses.
Resources Mentioned
Reasonable Faith by Dr. William Lane Craig
Why I Am Catholic (And You Should Be Too) by Brandon Vogt
New Proofs for the Existence of God by Fr. Robert Spitzer
Good God by David Baggett and Jerry Walls
Use THIS LINK to get a free copy of Brandon’s recent book (you just pay for the shipping)
On Guard by Dr. William Lane Craig
Where the Conflict Really Lies by Alvin Plantinga
How to Be an Atheist by Mitch Stokes
Related Episodes
Ep. #12 – Responding to Carroll’s “The Big Picture” w/ Brandon Vogt
CORE #05 – Good Reasons to Believe in God (part 3)