Ep. #256 – Answering 12 Big Questions on Fiducia Supplicans w/ Michael Lofton

What is the document of Fiducia Supplicans all about? Does it contradict previous Church teaching? Can Catholics criticize it? Why would the Church issue a document that is so prone to abuse? In this episode, we’re joined by Michael Lofton to answer 12 BIG questions about Fiducia Supplicans.
Fiducia Supplicans (full document)
Cdl. Fernandez’s Official Press Release clarification on FS
Pope Francis’s address to the DDF – Therein clarifies that the persons are blessed, not unions. Here’s the important quote, “I would like briefly to underline two things: the first is that these blessings, outside of any liturgical context and form, do not demand moral perfection in order to be received; the second, that when a couple approaches spontaneously to ask for a blessing, one does not bless the union, but simply the people who have requested it. The union is not blessed, but the people.“
Template Letter to Your Bishop about FS Abuses
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