About the Podcast
The Classical Theism Podcast features interviews related to three core pillars of the Catholic Christian worldview:
- (1) The God of classical theism exists.
- (2) Jesus is our Lord and Messiah, and
- (3) He founded the Catholic Church.
The content consists of intermediate apologetics which aims to engage topics with a rigor above the popular level, yet below that of graduate school conferences.
On the show, we showcase Catholic philosophers, theologians, scientists, apologists, historians, priests, and others as we dive into different aspects of Catholicism in general and classical theism in particular. While some view Catholicism as outdated or childish, it is eminently reasonable and defensible in our modern age.
We also draw upon the work of Non-Catholic Christian thinkers. This is especially the case when defending God’s existence, classical theism, and the Resurrection of Jesus. For example, Evangelical Christians, Anglicans, Reformed baptists, Reformed Presbyterians, and other Non-Catholic Christian philosophers have all been guests on the podcast.
John DeRosa

John DeRosa hosts the Classical Theism Podcast and writes blog articles related to apologetics, philosophy, and theology from a Catholic Christian point of view. He’s also the author of One Less God Than You (from Catholic Answers Press), which tackles common atheist slogans and shows you how to respond. He has contributed an essay on St. Thomas Aquinas to the recent Word on Fire volume The New Apologetics edited by Matt Nelson.
Additionally, he’s written for Catholic Answers Online Magazine, Peaceful Science, and presented at a Virtual Catholic Apologetics Conference (2020) as well as in local Church small groups. You can find a list of his media appearances here. When beginning the Classical Theism Podcast, John cited four Thomistic thinkers as major influences:
- (1) Fr. Herbert McCabe OP (1926 – 2001)
- (2) Fr. Brian Davies OP
- (3) Fr. Thomas Joseph White OP
- (4) Dr. Edward Feser
John is a high school mathematics teacher in New Jersey and has presented at one NCTM conference on math education. He earned a BA in Math Education from The College of New Jersey and a master’s degree in mathematics from Montclair State University.

In 2018, he started this website, blog, and podcast as a labor of love. He deeply enjoys learning about faith, religion, and philosophy. Nonetheless, his true love is his wonderful wife Christine, whom he married in 2017. She provides constant support and encouragement. They live in NJ with one daughter.
Thanks for considering the work on this website. May the Lord bless you, keep you from all evil, and bring you to everlasting life.
You can contact John DeRosa with this contact form.

Special Thanks
I am indebted to Tom Woods who has taught me a ton about politics, history, entrepreneurship, and Catholicism. I learned blogging and podcasting through his website. He is a sharp thinker,
3 of My Favorite Catholic Philosophers
The message of the gospel is that through the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, the way to the Beatific Vision is open to all, by the grace that is given to all who believe and are baptized. Through Christ, the purpose for which we were created and our final ultimate end (i.e. the Beatific Vision) is opened up to us as a gracious gift.
Dr. Bryan Cross
When I was an undergrad I came across the saying that learning a little philosophy leads you away from God, but learning a lot of philosophy leads you back. As a young man who had learned a little philosophy, I scoffed. But in later years and at least in my own case, I would come to see that it’s true.
Dr. Edward Feser
Yet whatever comes from the Supreme Truth cannot be false, and what is not false cannot be repudiated by any necessary reason. Just as our Faith cannot be proved by necessary reasons, because it exceeds the human mind, so because of its truth it cannot be refuted by any necessary reason.
(Reasons for the Faith Against Muslim Objections, Chapter 2)
St. Thomas Aquinas O.P.