Ep. #79 – Thinking about Adam & Eve w/ Dr. Swamidass

Does modern science contradict the historicity of Adam and Eve? What scientific findings stand in tension with the biblical narrative? Dr. Joshua Swamidass joins the show to discuss his fascinating new book: The Genealogical Adam and Eve. After the show, I lay out some options and implications for Catholic Christians and pose some questions that can hopefully lead to further discussion.
Guest Bio
S. Joshua Swamidass (MD, PhD, UC–Irvine) is a scientist, physician, and associate professor of laboratory and genomic medicine at Washington University in Saint Louis, where he uses artificial intelligence to explore science at the intersection of medicine, biology, and chemistry. He is a Veritas Forums speaker and blogs at Peaceful Science. Also, he’s the author of a new book The Genealogical Adam and Eve: The Surprising Science of Universal Ancestry.
Resources Mentioned
The Genealogical Adam and Eve by Dr. Swamidass (IVP Press website)
The Genealogical Adam and Eve: The Surprising Science of Universal Common Ancestry by Dr. Joshua Swamidass
Here’s a link to a free excerpt from his book!
My After Show Comments & Citations
Download the pdf below for my full after-show comments:
The Young-earth Creationist article
The Old-earth Creationist article
Science, Theology, and Monogensis by Kenneth Kemp (Kemp’s proposal)
Dr. Edward Feser’s blog post defending Kemp’s proposal (he calls it the Flynn-Kemp hypothesis)
“Transmission at Generation” by Antoine Suarez (Suarez’s proposal)
Thomisticevolution.org (this site contains Fr. Austriaco’s analysis)
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I love your show, and thank you for having dr. Swamidass on it….. It would be great to have the catholic philosopher dr. Dennis Bonnette on the show, to talk about evolution and the historical Adam and Eve…. he has done a great work on this issue https://drbonnette.com/category/philosophy/
Thanks for the tip and recommendations. I will look to having both of those guests on in the future!
Also, Nicanor Austriaco OP has done some nice work on this issue…. and maybe this post by Lydia McGrew on the original gene pool would be also interesting to you: