BONUS | A Contingency Argument w/ “Bad Apologist”

The “Bad Apologist” joins us to discuss a contingency argument for God’s existence. After that, we discuss the burden of proof debate and how it relates to conversations about atheism/theism. He also shares with us where to find a lesser-known argument for God that St. Thomas defended.
Guest Bio
Josh Bertucci is a Catholic Christian who runs the YouTube channel Bad Apologist, where he answers secular objections to Catholic beliefs. Notably, he has developed several videos defending a rational approach to God’s existence. He currently lives in Louisiana.
Topics Covered
- Why is your YouTube channel called “Bad Apologist”?
- Explain your video: the existence of God (no faith required)
- What’s the conclusion of the contingency argument you present?
- How do you respond to infinite regress objections?
- What are your thoughts on the “burden of proof” issue?
The One and the Many by W. Norris Clarke
The Philosophical Approach to God: A New Thomistic Perspective by W. Norris Clarke
Five Proofs of the Existence of God by Dr. Edward Feser
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