BONUS|The True Meaning of Christmas w/ Dr. Michael Barber

What false ideas about Christmas have we absorbed? What is the true meaning of Christmas? Was the Christmas celebration simply borrowed from paganism? Why is the manger so significant? Did Matthew mistranslate Isaiah in saying “a virgin shall conceive”? Dr. Michael Barber joins us to answer these questions and more.
Guest Bio
Dr. Michael Barber is Professor of Scripture and Theology at the Augustine Institute in Denver, CO. He is coauthor of the recent academic publication is Paul, A New Covenant Jew: Rethinking Pauline Theology (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2019), co-written with Brant Pitre and John Kincaid as well as the book Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know. In addition to his teaching, academic research and publishing, he also gives popular-level presentations at Catholic conferences and parish events around the United States. He also has a forthcoming book with Cambridge University Press, entitled, The Historical Jesus and the Temple: Memory, Method, and the Gospel of Matthew.
The True Meaning of Christmas: The Birth of Jesus and the Origins of the Season by Dr. Michael Barber
Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know by Dr. Michael Barber
Paul: A New Covenant Jew by Michael Barber, Brant Pitre, and John Kincaid