BONUS|Pressing the Frege-Geach Problem in Defense of Moral Realism w/ Joseph Beauchamp

What are various ethical theories philosophers discuss? How does the Frege-Geach problem relate to moral realism? How does Simon Blackburn’s quasi-realism aim to avoid the Frege-Geach problem? Moreover, what problems does Blackburn’s account face? Joseph Beauchamp joins us to take on these questions and more.
Guest Bio
Joseph Beauchamp graduated Summa Cum Laude with an Honours Philosophy degree from the University of Ottawa, where he was a Silver Medalist and the Faculty plaque award winner in Philosophy. In addition to being published in multiple undergraduate philosophy journals, he has presented papers internationally at Marist College, the State University of New York at Oneonta, and the University of Louisville.
In 2019, Joseph was invited to attend the “Civitas Dei Summer Fellowship”, which is sponsored by the Institute for Human Ecology at the Catholic University of America and the Thomistic Institute. Also, his main philosophical interests span the sub-fields of Metaphysics, Medieval Philosophy, and Natural Law Ethics and his philosophical heroes include Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas. This year, he begins his studies in Common Law and Civil Law at McGill University.
- What got you interested in studying these questions of philosophy, ethics, and religion?
- Who were Frege and Geach and what is the Frege-Geach problem?
- How does Geach’s analysis pose problems for emotivist noncognitivist ethical theories? What are these different ethical theories?
- What is Blackburn’s quasi-realist account of ethics?
- How do you critique Blackburn’s account?
The Frege-Geach Problem 60 Years Later by Joseph Beauchamp
Neo-Scholastic Essays by Dr. Edward Feser
What We Can’t Not Know by J. Budziszewski
Aquinas’ Theory of Natural Law by Anthony Lisska
philosojo is Joseph Beauchamp’s twitter handle
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