Ep. #172 – Thomistic Hylomorphic Dualism: Stated & Defended w/ Dr. Bell

How do Thomists think about issues in philosophy of mind? What is dualism? What is hylomorphism? Why think Thomistic hylomorphic dualism is true? How would a Thomistic dualist explain the interaction problem? How should a Thomistic dualist think about intentional action? Dr. Jeremy Bells joins us to discuss these topics and more.
Guest Bio
Jeremy Bell completed a B.A., majoring in Jewish Studies, and an M.Phil in philosophy, both at the University of Sydney. In 2006 he was awarded a General Sir John Monash Award to support his doctoral studies with the Committee on Social Thought at the University of Chicago. He began teaching at Campion in 2015, several months before defending his doctoral dissertation on Elizabeth Anscombe’s philosophy of mind. His research interests are chiefly in ethics and Thomist philosophy. He’s also contributed to a 2018 book Reclaiming Education: Renewing Schools and Universities in Contemporary Western Culture, edited by Catherine A. Runcie and David Brooks.
Dr. Jeremy Bell’s university webpage
Thomas Aquinas, John Noonan, and the Usury Prohibition by Dr. Jeremy Bell (article for Nova et Vetera)
Reclaiming Education: Renewing Schools and Universities in Contemporary Western Culture Edited by Catherine A. Runcie and David Brooks (with a chapter contribution by Dr. Jeremy Bell)
How Consciousness Can Lead to God (Pat Flynn Podcast w/ Dr. Rasmussen)
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