Ep. #259 – The Reliability of the Old Testament w/ Dr. John Bergsma (w/ Live Q & A)

Many critics say the Old Testament is unreliable because it contains (i) empirical claims that have been scientifically falsified, (ii) historical claims that are entirely unsubstantiated, (iii) and moral claims that are eminently repugnant. To the contrary, Dr. John Bergsma holds that the Old Testament is highly reliable and defensible as God’s inspired Word. He joins us to tackle these topics. We also take questions from a live audience.
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Guest Bio
John S. Bergsma, Ph.D. is a Professor of Theology at the Franciscan University of Steubenville. He is the author of The Jubilee from Leviticus to Qumran; A Catholic Introduction to the Bible: Old Testament (Ignatius, 2018), and Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls. His peer-reviewed scholarship on Old and New Testament topics and the Dead Sea Scrolls has appeared in the journals Biblica, Catholic Biblical Quarterly, Dead Sea Discoveries, Journal of Biblical Literature, Vetus Testamentum, and several essay collections. He also released the last of a four-volume set “The Word of the Lord” which has commentaries on all of the feast days and readings for the entire liturgical year.
A Catholic Introduction to the Bible: The Old Testament by John Bergsma and Brant Pitre
Murmuring Against Moses by John Bergsma and Jeffrey L. Morrow
The Word of the Lord: Reflections on the Sunday Mass Readings by Dr. John Bergsma
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