BONUS|Thomas Aquinas as Biblical Theologian w/ Dr. Dauphinais

Is Aquinas best described as a philosopher or theologian? What is most notable about his work as a biblical theologian? How does Aquinas understand prophetic revelation and sacra doctrina? What does it mean that, Aquinas holds that the human nature of Christ acts as the instrumental cause of the communication of divine revelation and as the perfection of its reception”? Dr. Dauphinais joins us to discuss these questions and more.
Guest Bio
Michael Dauphinais, Ph.D. is Professor and Chair of Theology at Ave Maria University, Ave Maria, Florida. Professor Dauphinais holds a B.S.E. from Duke University, an M.T.S. from Duke Divinity School, and a Ph.D. from the University of Notre Dame. He has co-authored with Matthew Levering Knowing the Love of Christ: An Introduction to the Theology of Thomas Aquinas and Holy People, Holy Land: A Theological Introduction to the Bible. He has a new co-authored book entitled Wisdom from the Word: Biblical Answers to Ten Questions about Catholicism coming out with Word on Fire Press in the summer of 2021. Also, he has co-edited multiple published volumes dedicated to the theology and biblical exegesis of Thomas Aquinas as well as numerous articles and chapters in books on various theological topics.
Thomas Aquinas, Biblical Theologian edited by Roger Nutt and Michael Dauphinais
Wisdom of the Word: Biblical Answers to Ten Questions about Catholicism by Matthew Levering and Michael Dauphinais
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