BONUS|Classical Theism & the Bible on Gary Michuta’s Show

What is classical theism? How does it comport with the Biblical text? Don’t the Scripture writers say God has emotions and passions like human beings do? What should we think when Scripture describes God changing his mind? How can we read 1 Samuel 15 in light of a classical doctrine of God? John joins Gary Michuta’s show Hands on Apologetics to tackle these topics.
Hands on Apologetics w/ Gary Michuta (daily podcast)
Gary Michuta’s YouTube channel Apocrypha Apocalypse
Haydock Bible Commentary (free online)
John Calvin’s Biblical Commentaries (free online)
Contemplating God with the Great Tradition: Recovering Trinitarian Classical Theism by Dr. Craig A. Carter
Interpreting Scripture with the Great Tradition by Dr. Craig A. Carter
God in Himself: Scripture, Metaphysics, and the Task of Christian Theology by Dr. Steven J. Duby
Divine Simplicity: A Dogmatic Account by Dr. Steven J. Duby
Related Episodes
Ep. #82 – Divine Impassibility w/ Dr. Dolezal
Ep. #69 – Exegetical Support for Classical Theism w/ Dr. Dolezal