Ep. #86 – Who has the Burden of Proof? w/ Dr. Bogardus

Who has the burden of proof: atheists or theists? What considerations go into answering this question? What did Anthony Flew use to argue that the burden of proof was on theists? How can we respond to Russell’s teapot? What should we think about evidentialism and Reformed epistemology? How does Pascal’s wager fit into this discussion?
Dr. Tomas Bogardus joins us to tackle these issues in detail. He has done a lot of thinking about this question and distills some of the most important ideas needed to answer those questions.
Guest Bio
Tomas Bogardus is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at Pepperdine University, in Malibu, California. His work focuses mostly on the rationality of religious belief, as well as the nature of a human person. Recently, he has published two articles on the philosophy of gender. He lives with his wife and daughter in California, and they enjoy attending Mass at Thomas Aquinas College.
Resources Mentioned
Dr. Tomas Bogardus’ Website with papers and more!
Youtube Video: Cameron Bertuzzi interviews Dr. Tomas Bogardus on the Question: Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God?
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Who has the burden of proof?
The one making a claim.
So the atheist that says, “God does not exist” or “Probably, there is no God” has a burden of proof, right? Since those are claims.