Category: Answering Atheism


Answering Atheist Slogans_2.0

I completed the second edition of my eBook on Answering Atheist Slogans. Here’s what’s new: A new chapter on the slogan, “If you were born in Saudi Arabia, You’d be a Muslim.” A new appendix on “The...


Why Not Take Pascal’s Wager?

In one conversation, a non-religious friend told me he thought both sides of an atheist-theist debate defended a rational position. He said this in response to the book An Atheist and a Christian Walk into...


Evil is a Problem for Atheism

In a previous post, I explained how various tenets of the Catholic Christian worldview fit with the facts of evil and suffering in the world. In this post, I consider how the facts of...


Answering Atheist Memes (Part 2)

On the Facebook page for Classical theism, the atheists only seem to interact through memes. So, I’ve decided that I will answer any memes they post! In the future, I can simply respond, “I’ve...


Answering 3 Atheist Memes

I ran across some atheist memes recently. Here are some quick answers. Of course, the full answer to a meme sometimes requires an essay. But in the day and age of short snippets of information,...