Facing the Problem of Evil (Part 1)
The problem of evil and suffering gives many believers pause. They are stumped when a popular atheist objects, “Anyone who walks into a children’s hospital knows there is no god.” Of course, that’s a false...
hosted by John DeRosa
The problem of evil and suffering gives many believers pause. They are stumped when a popular atheist objects, “Anyone who walks into a children’s hospital knows there is no god.” Of course, that’s a false...
Some popular atheists register this objection: You do not believe in 2999 other Gods like Zeus, Thor, or Krishna. You should be reasonable and take that logic one step further. I follow the pattern to it’s...
Many atheists object: There is no evidence for God’s existence. How would you reply? It’s tempting to trot out evidence immediately. Have you ever heard of X, Y, and Z arguments for God? What...