Category: Catholic Christian Worldview


Ep. #170 – A Dialectical Response to Animal Suffering w/ Dr. Jim Madden

What problem has Paul Draper raised for theists when it comes to evolutionary animal suffering? How might theists respond? Why is philosophy of mind relevant to the question? Is evolutionary animal suffering more likely given naturalism than theism? Dr. Jim Madden joins the show to discuss these questions and more.


Ep. #169 – Trinitarian Challenges to Divine Simplicity w/ Dr. Dolezal

Why do many Christians object that divine simplicity conflicts with the Trinity? What does divine simplicity teach? How can St. Thomas’ doctrine of divine simplicity be viewed as compatible with orthodox trinitarianism? Don’t the relations between the persons introduce accidents into God? Aren’t all such Thomistic answers an example of special pleading? Doesn’t saying the Father is identical to the divine nature introduce an irresolvable transitivity issue? Dr. James Dolezal joins us to discuss these questions and more.


Ep. #168 – Blue Collar Apologetics w/ John Martignoni

How did John Martignoni get involved in apologetics? What strategies does he recommend for ordinary Catholics in apologetics encounters? How can we discuss the Marian dogmas with Protestants who find them unnecessary? How might we approach conversations with atheists? John Martignoni joins the classical theism podcast to discuss these topics covered in his new book Blue Collar Apologetics.


Ep. #167 – Anscombe & God’s Intentional Act of Creation w/ Dr. Gaven Kerr

What is classical theism? Can the simple, immutable God of classical theism do any actions? And even if so, can He act intentionally? How can we account for such intentional action without contradicting divine simplicity or immutability? What did Anscombe and Davidson argue regarding intentional action? How are these accounts relevant to the questions about God? Dr. Gaven Kerr joins us to share some of his recent research on intentional action.


Ep. #163 – Implicit and Imperfect Faith w/ Dr. Gregory Stacey

What is the Catholic view of faith? How might Catholics understand the idea of “imperfect” faith? Could there be such a thing as “implicit” faith? Is it possible that such an “implicit” faith could ever be salvific? How might that work? Dr. Gregory Stacey joins the show again to give his thoughts on some doctrinal and speculative areas of theology.


BONUS|Classical Theism & the Bible on Gary Michuta’s Show

What is classical theism? How does it comport with the Biblical text? Don’t the Scripture writers say God has emotions and passions like human beings do? What should we think when Scripture describes God changing his mind? How can we read 1 Samuel 15 in light of a classical doctrine of God? John joins Gary Michuta’s show Hands on Apologetics to tackle these topics.


BONUS|Twinning and the Metaphysics of Embryos w/ Dr. Richard Playford

What is an embryo and what happens when identical twins are formed? Does the metaphysics of twinning call into question the view that embryos are human beings? How should we understand the mathematics and metaphysics of twinning? Dr. Richard Playford joins us to tackle these questions and more.


Ep. #161 – Another Look at St. Thomas’ First Way w/ Dr. Michael Sirilla

What are the differences between philosophical physics and modern physics? What’s the difference between metaphysics and physics? How should we understand St. Thomas’ First Way? Is it a physical or metaphysical demonstration? What are the key premises and how are they defended? How can Aquinas leap to God as the conclusion of his First Way? Dr. Michael Sirilla joins us to discuss these issues and more.