Category: Classical theism


Ep. #150 & Ep. #174 – Free Will & Divine Universal Causality w/ Dr. W. Matthews Grant

If God is causing everything, then how can we be free? Doesn’t God’s universal causality make us puppets and lead to occasionalism? And wouldn’t He be different if He were to cause different things? So, how can He be simple and immutable as classical theists say? Dr. W. Matthews Grant joins us to discuss these issues and more as we look at topics from his book Free Will and God’s Universal Causality: The Dual Sources Account.


BONUS|Fragments: A New Kind of Apologetics w/ Peter Cavallaro

Who was Fr. James V. Schall and why is his work important? How did attorney Peter Cavallaro become interested in theology and apologetics? What benefits are there to doing apologetics in a story/dialogue format? What arguments for the existence of God are presented in his book Fragments. Peter joins the podcast to discuss these questions and more.


Ep. #149 – Does God Suffer? w/ Fr. Thomas Weinandy

Why did 20th century theologians argue that God must suffer? Why do many traditional theologians think that God does not suffer? How should we understand divine impassibility in light of the Incarnation? What does it mean that God is “not really related” to creatures? Fr. Thomas Weinandy joins us to discuss these questions and more.


Ep. #148 – Fr. Garrigou & the Principle of Finality w/ Dr. Minerd

What did Fr. Garrigou mean by saying perfections are “formally and eminently” in God? What other distinctions do Thomists typically make when discussing the divine nature? How would Fr. Garrigou defend the principle of finality against a Humean skeptic? Dr. Matthew Minerd joins the show to discuss several essays written by Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange.


Ep. #146 – A Thomistic Introduction to Divine Attributes w/ Ryan Hurd

What are “divine attributes”? How can we divide up talk about God into three categories of “names”? What are some key principles to keep in mind about negative names? How should we think about positive names? Why is this important for Classical Theism? What are examples of relative names? Ryan Hurd joins the show again to tackle these questions and more.


Ep. #145 – What do you think about the Kalam? w/ Jimmy Akin

What is the Kalam cosmological argument? How useful is it as an argument for God’s existence? What is the scientific evidence in favor of the crucial premise? What are the philosophical arguments for the crucial premise? Why doesn’t Jimmy think the philosophical arguments work? What philosophical view of time is most likely correct? Jimmy Akin rejoins the show to discuss these questions and more.


BONUS|Eternity, Immutability, and God’s Action w/ Dr. Steven Duby

What is divine eternity? How can the eternal God act in time? What is the meaning of the term “egression” that some have used to describe the eternal God’s action? Should classical theists commit to a particular view of time: A-theory or B-theory? Dr. Steven Duby joins us to discuss these questions and more.


Ep. #144 – Classical theism & God Incarnate w/ Dr. James Dolezal

What are some different models of the Incarnation in philosophical theology? How can classical theism, with a strong doctrine of divine simplicity, be consistent with the Incarnation? Why are “divestitive” or “augmentative” not to be preferred? What did Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange think about this issue? Scripture says, “The Word became flesh.” How can classical theists understand such language? Dr. James Dolezal joins the podcast to discuss these questions.


Ep. #143 – The Immateriality of the Intellect w/ Tomaszewski (and some Modal Collapse)

Do human persons survive death? What is a strong argument for the immateriality of the intellect? How does the immateriality of the intellect point to the immortality of the rational soul? How did Ross respond to various objections to his argument? What are Christopher Tomaszewski’s thoughts on some recent modal collapse objections? We’ll tackle those questions and more in this episode.


OFFICE Hours|God and Common Objections to DDS w/ Pat Flynn

What is divine simplicity? What are some of the motivations for it? Who are some teachers that Pat has found helpful when researching this doctrine? How can classical theists respond to common objections from 1) multiple properties, 2) modal collapse, 3) contingent knowledge, and 4) the Trinity? Pat Flynn joins us to tackle these issues and more.