BONUS | The Trinity & Simplicity w/ Ryan Hurd
Summary What is meant by ‘divine simplicity’ in Thomas Aquinas and those before him? How do we come to affirm the doctrine of divine simplicity? Why is that a different process than that by...
hosted by John DeRosa
Summary What is meant by ‘divine simplicity’ in Thomas Aquinas and those before him? How do we come to affirm the doctrine of divine simplicity? Why is that a different process than that by...
Summary What is philosophy and why is it important? How do faith and reason relate to each other? How can we think about worldviews? What is a human person? Fr. Robert McTeigue joins me...
Summary What is the modal collapse objection and how can classical theists answer it? Can the absolutely simple God act for reasons and act intentionally? What is ‘existential inertia’ and what theistic ideas does...
Summary How should classical theists think about divine knowledge? How can God have knowledge of diverse subjects if he is absolutely simple? Doesn’t God’s knowledge change when changes occur in the world? Wouldn’t God...
Summary What is the doctrine of the Incarnation? How does Aquinas discuss the doctrine? How is the Incarnation compatible with classical theist doctrines of simplicity, immutability, and impassability? Dr. Michael Gorman joins the podcast...
Is divine simplicity a philosophical or revealed doctrine? How should we understand question 3 of the Summa? Why think God is not composed of matter and form or essence and existence? What do classical theists mean when they say God is not in a genus? How does real essentialism differ from modal essentialism? Dr. Gaven Kerr joins the show to tackle these topics and more.
Summary How did Plotinus argue for absolute divine simplicity? What is Plato’s criterion? Why must the fundamental being be absolutely simple and not just somewhat simple or relatively simple? How does Phil Corkum’s analysis...
Is it really possible to make a biblical case for the doctrine of divine simplicity? How can one do so? How does simplicity relate to the biblical doctrine of God’s singularity? How does simplicity relate to the biblical doctrine of God’s immutability? What are some key biblical texts that can be put forward to argue for divine simplicity? Dr. Steven J. Duby joins us to discuss these questions and more.
Summary What is an essentially ordered causal series? Why think essentially ordered causal series must have a first member? How can we ward off common misunderstandings regarding the first, second, and third ways of...
Summary Why think the unmoved mover is also a personal God? How should we understand God as the creator? Why should we use “analogical predication” to speak of God and what does that mean?...