Ep. #73 – The Bible & Catholicism w/ Jimmy Akin
Summary When were the books of the Old Testament written? How did the New Testament come to be compiled? How should we date the Gospels? What was the role of Tradition and the Church...
hosted by John DeRosa
Summary When were the books of the Old Testament written? How did the New Testament come to be compiled? How should we date the Gospels? What was the role of Tradition and the Church...
Summary What is ‘faith’ in the Christian tradition? Is it irrational? How can it be rational if it goes beyond reason? What’s the difference between faith in Christ and faith in the Church? What...
Summary Why take Jesus seriously when there are so many religious figures one could follow? What specific prophecies did Jesus actually fulfill and how do we know this wasn’t just forged? Also, if Jesus...
Summary This episode is two parts. 1) A conversation on Gary Michuta’s show about What is Classical Theism and Why Should We Hold to It? 2) A bonus conversation with Dr. James Dolezal about...
Summary Why should we think God is absolutely immutable? Doesn’t Scripture affirm that He changes His mind? How can an unchanging God cause a world full of change? Fr. Michael Dodds OP joins me...
Summary Divine Simplicity faces a significant objection from “modal collapse.” If God is simple and His one simple act of creation is identical to Himself, then doesn’t that imply creation is necessary? How can...
Summary In the incarnation, the Son of God assumed a human nature . Men are composite in all sorts of ways. So, how can absolute divine simplicity fit with the Incarnation? Must Christians assert...
Summary How does absolute divine simplicity cohere with the trinity? What is meant by trinitarian monotheism? Doesn’t Aquinas’ exposition lead us to inevitable contradictions in the Godhead? Paul Chutikorn joins us to unpack the...
Summary Dr. Gaven Kerr has written an outstanding new book Aquinas and the Metaphysics of Creation. How is divine immutability compatible with creation? How is creaturely freedom compatible with creation? We discuss those questions...
Summary Why is absolute divine simplicity an important doctrine for Christians? What are his primary arguments from philosophy? How does Scripture support the position? What are the best objections to the doctrine? Dr. James...