BONUS | Aquinas, Sin, and Evil w/ Dr. Frey
Summary In this episode, Dr. Frey tackles a bunch of hard questions about evil, sin, and Aquinas. She provides some helpful examples to illustrate the key ideas. I ask her about comments she’s made...
hosted by John DeRosa
Summary In this episode, Dr. Frey tackles a bunch of hard questions about evil, sin, and Aquinas. She provides some helpful examples to illustrate the key ideas. I ask her about comments she’s made...
Summary This fall, Dr. Robert Koons is teaching a graduate seminar on arguments for God’s existence. In this episode, we cover cosmological arguments, teleological arguments, and epistemological arguments. We have a detailed discussion about...
Summary Brandon Vogt joins us to defend three arguments for God’s existence from his recent book. First, he explains the purpose of his book and situates the chapter on God’s existence. Second, he discusses...
Summary Bryan Mercier joins us to discuss his book Why Do You Believe in God? In the book, he provides over a dozen real discussions he’s had about God’s existence, science, the problem of...
Summary Dr. Robert A. Delfino joins us to discuss the doctrine of analogy, which is very important for classical theists. Through the course of the episode, he walks through exemplar causality, logical vs. philosophical...
Summary Dr. Stephen Barr joins us to discuss his book Modern Physics and Ancient Faith. Does science support the existence of God? What about the order in the universe and the so-called “fine-tuning”? Are...
Summary This is a 3-part series based on Dr. Josh Rasmussen’s new book How Reason Can Lead to God. In part 1, we talk about how to discuss worldview issues with others. In part...
Summary What are the first principles of knowledge? And if they are first principles must we just accept them on blind faith? How do you answer the liar’s paradox? Didn’t David Hume debunk the...
Summary Spencer Mead discusses classical theism and traces some of the history behind this philosophical tradition. He outlines divine simplicity and other divine attributes. Next, he explains why classical theism is important for Catholics...
Summary Dr. Jim Slagle set out to disprove Christianity and ended up walking right into it. Now, he argues that affirming naturalism is self-defeating. In this episode, we look at Dr. Slagle’s backstory and...