Category: Classical theism


Ep. #191 – The Holy Trinity [New book!] w/ Fr. Thomas Joseph White

What are the different ways Catholic theologians arrive at a knowledge of God? How did the Catholic practice of thinking about the Trinity arise over time? What is The Triplex Via, and how does it relate to our analogical discourse about God? How do we know that God is triune, and can we discover that through natural reason? Fr. Thomas Joseph White O.P. joins the podcast to discuss these questions and his new book, The Trinity: On the Nature and Mystery of the One God (Catholic University Press, 2022).


Ep. #185 – A Response to the Aloneness Argument w/ Dr. Grant & Dr. Pawl

What is the aloneness argument against classical theism? How does it advance previous discussions on similar topics? What can classical theists say in response to the argument? In an alone world, how could the God of classical theism truly know that he is alone? Dr. W. Matthews Grant and Dr. Timothy Pawl join the podcast to discuss these questions and more.


Ep. #182 – The Book of Deuteronomy w/ Curtis Mitch

What is the book of Deuteronomy and how is it situated in salvation history? What does the book teach us about the nature of God? If Deuteronomy 18 prohibits communication with the dead, then how can Catholics legitimately pray to saints? How can we understand the seemingly harsh punishments described by the law? Biblical scholar Curtis Mitch joins us to discuss these topics and more.


Ep. #181 – St. Thomas on God’s Mercy w/ Ryan Hurd

Does Aquinas hold that God is merciful? How can we say that the God of classical theism is merciful when he is immutable and timeless? What is the distinction made by Thomists between simple perfections and mixed perfections? Can we actually think of God as “most passionate” and what does this mean? Ryan Hurd rejoins the show to discuss these topics and more.


Ep. #178 – Is There a God? w/ Dr. Kenneth L. Pearce

Is there a God? What contingency argument did Kenneth Pearce defend in a recent debate book with Graham Oppy? How does Pearce understand classical theism? Does theism explain more than atheism can? We covere these topics and more as we examine Dr. Kenneth Pearce’s arguments in Is There a God: A Debate.


Ep. #176 – Why God Makes Sense in a World That Doesn’t w/ Dr. Gavin Ortlund

Why should we believe in God? How can putting arguments in a “narrative frame” help us make a better case? What advantages does Christianity have over naturalism? Was Albert Einstein an atheist? How do music, math, and love point to God’s existence? Is Dr. Ortlund a classical theist? Dr. Gavin Ortlund joins us to discuss these questions and more as we take a look at his new book Why God Makes Sense in a World That Doesn’t.