Category: Thomism


Ep. #185 – A Response to the Aloneness Argument w/ Dr. Grant & Dr. Pawl

What is the aloneness argument against classical theism? How does it advance previous discussions on similar topics? What can classical theists say in response to the argument? In an alone world, how could the God of classical theism truly know that he is alone? Dr. W. Matthews Grant and Dr. Timothy Pawl join the podcast to discuss these questions and more.


BONUS|Response to Catholic Confusion + Critique of Balthasar w/ Dr. Christopher Malloy

Will the Catholic Church ever change some of its fundamental teachings? How did the Church change its messaging and posture after Vatican II? Does the Church still teach that Hell is a reality and a possibility for us? How should Catholics think about universalism, annihilationism, and hopeful universalism? What do we make of the idea that Hans Urs that we may dare to hope for universal salvation? Dr. Christopher J. Malloy joins us to discuss these topics as we consider his recent book False Mercy.


Ep. #181 – St. Thomas on God’s Mercy w/ Ryan Hurd

Does Aquinas hold that God is merciful? How can we say that the God of classical theism is merciful when he is immutable and timeless? What is the distinction made by Thomists between simple perfections and mixed perfections? Can we actually think of God as “most passionate” and what does this mean? Ryan Hurd rejoins the show to discuss these topics and more.


Ep. #172 – Thomistic Hylomorphic Dualism: Stated & Defended w/ Dr. Bell

How do Thomists think about issues in philosophy of mind? What is dualism? What is hylomorphism? Why think Thomistic hylomorphic dualism is true? How would a Thomistic dualist explain the interaction problem? How should a Thomistic dualist think about intentional action? Dr. Jeremy Bells joins us to discuss these topics and more.


Ep. #171 – Prof. Tomaszewski Responds to WLC on Divine Simplicity

Professor Christopher Tomaszewski (Belmont Abbey College) responds to Dr. William Lane Craig and Dr. Ryan Mullins on the doctrine of divine simplicity. Recently, Craig and Mullins were hosted by Cameron Bertuzzi of Capturing Christianity. They offered various critiques against the doctrine of divine simplicity including: (1) It’s unbiblical, (2) it’s anti-biblical, (3) it leads to modal collapse, and (4) it leads to unacceptable agnosticism regarding God. In this commentary episode, Tomaszewski responds to these objections and more.


Ep. #169 – Trinitarian Challenges to Divine Simplicity w/ Dr. Dolezal

Why do many Christians object that divine simplicity conflicts with the Trinity? What does divine simplicity teach? How can St. Thomas’ doctrine of divine simplicity be viewed as compatible with orthodox trinitarianism? Don’t the relations between the persons introduce accidents into God? Aren’t all such Thomistic answers an example of special pleading? Doesn’t saying the Father is identical to the divine nature introduce an irresolvable transitivity issue? Dr. James Dolezal joins us to discuss these questions and more.