Ep. #57 – Why Do You Believe in God? w/ Bryan Mercier

Bryan Mercier joins us to discuss his book Why Do You Believe in God? In the book, he provides over a dozen real discussions he’s had about God’s existence, science, the problem of evil, and other tough religious topics. Throughout the interview, I press Bryan to expand these topics and give us tips for our own conversations.
Guest Bio
Bryan Mercier is a Catholic speaker, author, retreat leader, and apologist. Over the last 20 years, he has spoken to countless teens and adults through retreats, seminars, TV, and radio programs. He runs an amazing Youtube channel that hits on many important apologetic topics. His newest book Why Do You Believe in God answers 15-years worth of questions from Catholics, atheists, skeptics, and those who have fallen away from the Church.
Show Outline
In the first segment, Bryan gives an overview of his book. Next, he explains what he finds to be the most pressing issue among teens and young adults leaving the faith.
In the next segment, I ask Bryan about various chapters in his book. How does he handle the religion vs. science issue? When young people say, “There’s no proof for God,” how should we respond?
In the final segment, we discuss how to deal with the issue of Hell. If God is loving, why would he send people to Hell? Bryan gives a solid answer with multiple useful illustrations. Lastly, I ask Bryan to give some highlights of the chapter titled How God Changed My Life.
Resources Mentioned
Why Do You Believe in God? By Bryan Mercier
catholicbryan.org – Bryan’s personal website
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