Ep. #253 – Is God a vindictive bully?

Is the God of the Old Testament a vindictive bully? What should we think about the dichotomy often presented between the angry Old Testament God and the loving New Testament God? How can we respond to Bible difficulties concerning violence and Ancient Israelite warfare? Prof. Paul Copan joins us to discuss these topics as we look at his book Is God a Vindictive Bully?
Guest Bio
Paul Copan (Ph.D., Marquette University), a Christian theologian, analytic philosopher, and apologist, is the Pledger Family Chair of Philosophy and Ethics at Palm Beach Atlantic University in West Palm Beach, Florida. For 6 years, he served as president of the Evangelical Philosophical Society. He was a visiting scholar at Oxford University in 2017. Copan is the author or editor of more than 40 books, including Is God a Moral Monster?; True for You, But Not for Me; That’s Just Your Interpretation; When God Goes to Starbucks; and A Little Book for New Philosophers.
Is God a Vindictive Bully? by Prof. Paul Copan
Is God a Moral Monster? Making Sense of the Old Testament God by Prof. Paul Copan
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