Productivity tip. Don’t check social media haphazardly throughout the idea, because you will waste valuable time and energy that could be used on important tasks.
Instead, schedule 2 or 3 check-in times at some checkpoints during the day and agree to only check social media outlets at those times. For example, you could check once at lunch and once after work.
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Image showing the traditional wager.
The traditional wager considers 4 options and declares choosing to believe in God as the most reasonable option. However, 3 big objections are usually brought against the traditional wager.
Objection #1: You can’t force yourself to believe something.
Objection #2: There are more than 4 possibilities because there are many God options.
Objection #3: The wager is unChristian since you’re trying to profit off God belief.
Dr. Michael Rota reformulates the Wager in terms of Christian commitment rather than belief.
All big three objections can be answered.
Objection #1 does not apply to Rota’s version since belief is not forced.
Objection #2 does not give a reason to adopt atheism but rather to examine the evidence and decide which religion is most likely.
Objection #3 fails since the wager does not imply that one act in an unChristian way.