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Here’s the argument for why Jesus is Lord and Messiah
If Jesus claimed to be a divine messiah, then his claims were TRUE or FALSE.
Jesus claimed to be a divine messiah.
If his claims were FALSE, then he knew they were false or didn’t know they were false.
If he knew they were false, then he was a liar.
If he didn’t know they were false, he was a lunatic (crazy, deluded, and so forth).
Jesus was not a liar or a lunatic.
So, his claims were not FALSE. (from 3, 4, 5, and 6)
So, his claims to be a divine messiah were true. (from 1 and 7)
If someone is our divine messiah, then He is our Lord and Messiah.
So, Jesus is our Lord and Messiah. (from 8 and 9)
Against the Liar hypothesis, there does not seem to be motivation for the lie. Why go to the grave with a lie rather than preserve ones own life?
Against the Lunatic hypothesis, this doesn’t seem to match the Jesus of the Gospels. Wouldn’t his closest followers have figured out he was just crazy and left him?
Against the Legend hypothesis, I cite a bunch of sources and resources. Those are listed in the next section.