Ep. #177 – Light on the Dark Passages of the Bible w/ Dr. Mark Giszczak

What are the “dark passages” of Scripture? Why can’t Catholics simply shrug them off as primitive mistakes made by ancient writers? Why is it important to remember God as Teacher, Judge, and Savior? Does God kill people? Does God order people to kill people? Is the Bible a pro-slavery book? Does Scripture support polygamy? Also, can Catholics benefit from the English Standard Version of the Bible? Dr. Mark Giszczak joins us to discuss these topics and more.
Guest Bio
Dr. Giszczak specializes in Old Testament Wisdom Literature as well as biblical theology and Catholic biblical interpretation. He joined the Augustine faculty in 2010. Dr. Giszczak has a passion for Scripture and loves helping Catholics read, pray, and understand the Bible. His forthcoming publications include a commentary on Wisdom of Solomon in the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture Series as well as several scholarly articles. He authored Light on the Dark Passages of Scripture, published by Our Sunday Visitor Publishing, 2015).
Light on the Dark Passages of Scripture by Dr. Mark Giszczak
The Tales of Bible Translations w/ Dr. Giszczak – Episode of Polycarp’s Paradigm (podcast)
Mark Giszczak’s faculty page at the Augustine Institute
Catholicbiblestudent.com – Dr. Mark Giszczak’s website and blog
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