Ep. #216 – Sola Scriptura Debate Debrief w/ Jimmy Akin

Jimmy Akin joins the podcast to debrief his debate with The Other Paul on the Capturing Christianity YouTube channel. He discusses the style of the debate, the arguments, and various objections. Jimmy also explains crucial mistakes made by The Other Paul in their discussion.
Teaching with Authority by Jimmy Akin (Amazon)
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I’m curious about Jimmy’s point on the infallibility of the Jerusalem council. If we concede that they are part of the infallible magisterium, doesn’t that mean that other local churches could claim to be infallible? Who made the Jerusalem council infallible? I don’t recall a passage where an apostle granted that to them. I worry that if we say the Jerusalem council was infallible then what is to stop any local church today from claiming to be a part of the infallible magisterium?
Isn’t the Jerusalem council infallible because it is presided over by Apostles who make a definitive judgement?