Ep. #182 – The Book of Deuteronomy w/ Curtis Mitch

What is the book of Deuteronomy and how is it situated in salvation history? What does the book teach us about the nature of God? If Deuteronomy 18 prohibits communication with the dead, then how can Catholics legitimately pray to saints? How can we understand the seemingly harsh punishments described by the law? Biblical scholar Curtis Mitch joins us to discuss these topics and more.
Guest Bio
Curtis Mitch is a writer and editor of many books. Curtis has been a contributor to the popular apologetics series Catholic for a Reason (Emmaus Road Press); he has co-authored a commentary on the Gospel of Matthew with Edward Sri in the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture series (Baker Academic); co-authored a commentary on Romans. and he is the principal annotator and associate editor of the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible (Ignatius Press). He has also been a guest lecturer in theology at Franciscan University and an online instructor in theology for Catholic Distance University. He resides in Toronto, Ohio, with his wife Stacy and their nine children.
Deuteronomy (Ignatius Catholic Study Bible)
Hard Sayings: A Catholic Approach to Bible Difficulties by Trent Horn
The Gospel of Matthew (Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture) by Curtis Mitch and Edward Sri
Ignatius Catholic Study Bible (New Testament)
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