Ep. #144 – Classical theism & God Incarnate w/ Dr. James Dolezal

What are some different models of the Incarnation in philosophical theology? How can classical theism, with a strong doctrine of divine simplicity, be consistent with the Incarnation? Why are “divestitive” or “augmentative” not to be preferred? What did Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange think about this issue? Scripture says, “The Word became flesh.” How can classical theists understand such language? Dr. James Dolezal joins the podcast to discuss these questions.
Guest Bio
James Dolezal serves as associate professor of theology in the School of Divinity at Cairn University in Langhorne, PA. He is the author of two books: God without Parts: Divine Simplicity and the Metaphysics of God’s Absoluteness and All That Is in God: Evangelical Theology and the Challenge of Classical Christian Theism. He and his wife live in Pennsylvania with their three children. Also, he’s a recent contributor to a 2020 volume on Divine Impassibility.
- What sparked your recent research into the Incarnation?
- What is the “Christological challenge to classical theism” and who is leveling these challenges?
- How is the term “assumption” different from “hypostatic union”?
- Why don’t you think divestitive assumption or augmentative assumption will work well with classical theism?
- What does terminative assumption mean?
- How does Fr. Garrigou Lagrange explain this model with examples?
- In John 1:14 it says “the Word became flesh.” How should we understand this?
Neither Subtraction Nor Addition: The Word’s Terminative Assumption of a Human Nature by Dr. James Dolezal (forthcoming in Nova et Vetera)
God Without Parts: Divine Simplicity and the Metaphysics of God’s Absoluteness by Dr. James Dolezal
All That Is in God: Evangelical Theology and the Challenge of Classical Christian Theism by Dr. James Dolezal
Divine Impassibility with a major contribution from Dr. James Dolezal
A Geometric Illustration

Related Episodes
Ep. #120 – Classical Theism and the Incarnation w/ Dr. Michael Gorman
Ep. #119 – Divine Simplicity in the Summa w/ Dr. Gaven Kerr
Ep. #67 – Simplicity & Incarnation w/ Dr. Tim Pawl
Ep. #69 – Exegetical Support for Classical Theism w/ Dr. Dolezal