Ep. #159 – Problems with Analogy After Aquinas w/ Dr. Domenic D’Ettore

What were the problems with the doctrine of analogy that others raised after Aquinas? How did different Thomistics respond to these problems? How might Thomists respond to professor Thomas Williams’ challenge that analogy reduces to univocity or unintelligibility? Dr. Domenic D’Ettore joins me to discuss these topics and more as we look at his book Analogy After Aquinas.
Guest Bio
Domenic D’Ettore received his Doctorate of Philosophy from the Center for Thomistic Studies at the University of St. Thomas (Houston, TX). His research focuses on the thought of the great 13th Century Philosopher Thomas Aquinas, and on the reception and development of this philosopher’s thought in the following centuries. He has served in the Department of Theology and Philosophy at Marian University since Fall 2012. He’s the author of Analogy After Aquinas which is the subject of this conversation.
Analogy After Aquinas: Logical Problems, Thomistic Answers by Domenic D’Ettore
Dr. Domenic D’Ettore’s academia.edu page
Three Interpretations of Summa Theologiae I, Q. 13, AA. 1 – 6 by Domenic D’Ettore (Essay for Nova et Vetera)
Does Analogy Work in Demonstration? A Scotist’s Critique of Thomist by Domenic D’Ettore (Essay for International Philosophical Quarterly)
Related Episodes
Ep. #158 – An Introduction to Analogy w/ Dr. Joseph Trabbic
Ep. #146 – A Thomistic Introduction to the Divine Attributes w/ Ryan Hurd
Ep. #56 – The Doctrine of Analogy w/ Dr. Delfino