Ep. #183 – The Early Church was the Catholic Church w/ Joe Heschmeyer

Can we truly claim the early Church was Catholic? Did major doctrines develop over time? Is there sufficient evidence that Christians of the earliest centuries actually held to Catholic beliefs? Don’t several statements in the Didache, Tertullian, and others count against the Catholic position? Joe Heschmeyer joins us to discuss these topics and more as we explore his latest book: The Early Church Was the Catholic Church.
Guest Bio
Joe Heschmeyer is a staff apologist for Catholic Answers. A popular author, speaker, blogger, and podcaster, he joined the apostolate in March 2021 after three years as an instructor at Holy Family School of Faith in Overland Park, Kansas. A regular contributor to Catholic Answers Live, Catholic Answers Focus, and Catholic Answers Magazine (print and online) even before joining the apostolate, Joe has blogged at his own “Shameless Popery” website and co-hosted a weekly show called “The Catholic Podcast.” To date, he has authored four books, including Pope Peter and The Early Church Was the Catholic Church, which is the subject of today’s interview.
The Early Church Was the Catholic Church by Joe Heschmeyer
Pope Peter by Joe Heschmeyer
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