BONUS: Extended Conciliar Christology w/ Dr. Pawl

Could the Father or Spirit have become incarnate? What does it mean for a divine person to assume a human nature? Did Christ possess the beatific vision in his human nature? What implications does this have? Dr. Timothy Pawl joins us to answer these questions and more as we discuss his book Defending Extended Conciliar Christology.
Guest Bio
Dr. Tim Pawl is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of St. Thomas, in Minnesota. Much of his published work focuses on presenting the philosophical arguments against the teachings of the Catholic Church, then assessing whether they succeed. He’s published two books with Oxford University Press defending the philosophical coherence of the Christian teaching of the incarnation, and he has written an forthcoming introductory text on the Incarnation for the Cambridge Elements Series.
Resources Mentioned
In Defense of Conciliar Christology by Dr. Timothy Pawl
In Defense of Extended Conciliar Christology by Dr. Timothy Pawl
Dr. Tim Pawl’s Papers on the Phil Papers
Related Episodes
Ep. #67 – Simplicity & Incarnation w/ Dr. Tim Pawl
Ep. #29 – Defending Conciliar Christology with Dr. Pawl [Interview]