BONUS | Aquinas, Sin, and Evil w/ Dr. Frey

In this episode, Dr. Frey tackles a bunch of hard questions about evil, sin, and Aquinas. She provides some helpful examples to illustrate the key ideas. I ask her about comments she’s made about the free-will defense and theodicy. It’s a fun batch of topics!
Guest Bio
Dr. Jennifer Frey is an assistant professor of philosophy at the University of South Carolina. She specializes in Virtue Ethics, Philosophy of Action, Meta-ethics, and the history of philosophy. She’s also an expert in Aquinas and the editor of a recent book Self-Transcendence and Virtue: Perspectives from Philosophy, Psychology, and Theology. Dr. Frey also hosts a podcast Sacred and Profane Love.
Show Outline
I ask Dr. Frey a bunch of questions throughout this bonus episode, which include the following ideas:
- What is evil and how is it ontologically parasitic?
- What is sin and how does Aquinas think about sin?
- What can a basketball player taking 3-point shots help us understand about evil?
- How strong of an argument is the evidential problem of evil?
- Why don’t you think the free-will defense works?
- Why are you against theodicy?
- If you’re against theodicy and free-will, then what else can you offer us regarding the problem of evil? What does Aquinas offer?
- What are you currently working on and where can people find more of your work?
Resources Mentioned
The Sacred and Profane Love Podcast hosted by Dr. Frey
Self-Transcendence and Virtue: Perspectives from Philosophy, Psychology, and Theology
Related Episodes
Ep. #19– Problem of Evil (Part 1) with Dr. Taylor O’Neill [Interview]
Ep. #21 – God and Evil: A Dialogue by Brian Davies [Part 1]