Ep. #24 – Aquinas on Evil with Dr. Gloria Frost [Interview]

Dr. Gloria Frost presents the privation account of evil affirmed by Aquinas and explains his answer to the logical problem of evil. Additionally, Frost comments on Aquinas’ commentary on the book of Job and shares some insights related to animal suffering and natural disasters.
Guest Bio
Dr. Gloria Frost is an associate professor of philosophy at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, MN. She earned her master’s and
Episode Outline
Dr. Gloria Frost presents key insights from St. Thomas Aquinas that relate to the Problem of Evil and Suffering. She explains the privation view of evil and shows how it can explain purported counterexamples like murder.
Next, she summarizes the logical problem of evil and explains briefly how Aquinas answers this charge. Additionally, she addresses how Aquinas might respond to other examples of evil from the contemporary literature: natural disasters and animal suffering.
Dr. Frost also provides several important points gleaned from Aquinas’ commentary on the book of Job. Listeners will learn how Aquinas thinks sufferings can bring about goods as well as what he takes to be “gratuitous gifts” from God.
Important Quote
As Augustine says (Enchiridion xi): “Since God is the highest good, He would not allow any evil to exist in His works, unless His omnipotence and goodness were such as to bring good even out of evil.” This is part of the infinite goodness of God, that He should allow evil to exist, and out of it produce
Aquinas, ST 1.2.3 Reply to Objection 2good .
Resources Mentioned
Wandering in Darkness by Dr. Eleonore Stump
Dr. Frost’s Personal Website and Papers
Dr. Frost’s Youtube Channel with great philosophy videos
Thomas Aquinas’ Commentary on the Book of Job
Thomas Aquinas on God and Evil by Fr. Brian Davies
Great apisode, John! Well done!
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