Ep. #205 – Classical Theism, God’s Unity, & Oppy’s Naturalism w/ Enric Gel

Does classical theism have a principled advantage over Oppy’s naturalism? Why think there is only one first cause? Do arguments in favor of God’s unity conflict with Trinitarianism? Enric Gel joins us to discuss these topics.
Guest Bio
Enric Gel studied philosophy at the University of Navarre (Spain) and is currently finishing his dissertation on the metaphysical foundations of ethics in Aristotle and Aquinas. He lives in Barcelona with his wife and two daughters.
How many and why? A question for Oppy’s naturalism that classical theism can answer by Enric Gel
Naturalism, classical theism, and first causes by Joseph C. Schmid
Adictos a la Filosofía (Enric’s Youtube channel)
Five Proofs of the Existence of God by Dr. Edward Feser
Aristotle’s Revenge by Dr. Edward Feser
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