Ep. #245 – The Historicity of the Gospels w/ Fr. Giambrone O.P.

Who was Fr. Lagrange and why was his work important? What does the Church formally teach about the historicity of the Gospels? How can a faithful Catholic handle historical difficulties like the alleged blunder in Luke 2? What should we think about Jesus saying that the Son doesn’t know the day or hour of the end of the world? Fr. Anthony Giambrone joins me to discuss these topics.
Guest Bio
Fr. Anthony Giambrone, O.P., is a Dominican priest of the Province of St. Joseph (NY) and Professor of New Testament and Vice-Director of the École Biblique et Archéologique Française de Jérusalem.
Fr. Giambrone is the author of many academic and popular publications, including A Quest for the Historical Christ: Scientia Christi and the Modern Studia of Jesus (2022). His research interests include early Christology, the Greco-Roman world, and Second Temple Jewish exegesis.
A Quest for the Historical Christ: Scientia Christi and the Modern Studia of Jesus by Fr. Anthony Giambrone
Augustus as Censor and Luke’s Worldwide Enrollment: Roman Propaganda and Lukan Theology from the Margins,” Revista Bíblica 83 (2021) 337–62. (download the paper)
Fr. Giambrone’s YouTube interview on Suan Sonna’s channel
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