Ep. #262 – Divine Names; Is God truly Creator and Lord? w/ Ryan M. Hurd

Why bother to make technical distinctions in how we speak about God? How does St. Thomas Aquinas categorize the ways of speaking about God? Is it true that according to Aquinas, God is only Lord and Creator in our minds and not in reality? How should we understand the notion that in God there are no real relations to creatures? Ryan M. Hurd joins the show to sort through these topics.
Guest Bio
Ryan Hurd (Ph.D Candidate, Theologische Universiteit Kampen) is a systematic theologian whose area of expertise is doctrine of God, specifically the Trinity. His primary training is in the high medieval and early modern scholastics as well as the 20th century ressourcement movement. He has written a number of articles and regularly does translations of early modern theology sources; but his primary project is writing a systematics of the Trinity.
God Is: An Introduction to Theology Proper by Ryan Hurd (online course)
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