Ep. #129 – Fundamentals of the Faith w/ Michael Gormley

What does it mean to believe and why is it reasonable? How can we present the fundamentals of the faith to Catholic high school students? Why follow Jesus? How can we make natural law ethics compelling? Michael Gormley joins us to discuss some exciting new work he’s done on these topics.
Guest Bio
I’m joined by Michael Gormley, also known as Gomer, from the Catching Foxes podcast. Gomer is a full-time evangelist who has been working for the Church since 2005, making lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ. He works with individuals, staff, faculties, parishes, and dioceses in a variety of ways in order to bring about the new evangelization of God’s people. He also co-hosts an outstanding Evangelization podcast called Every Knee Shall Bow.
- What have you been working on lately?
- How did this lecture serious on fundamentals of the faith come about?
- What do you discuss in “The Structure of Belief?”
- Why is the “Science and Religion” module important and what do you include there?
- Talk about the lecture on “Man’s Search for Meaning.”
- What message do you have for Catholics who are anxious and confused as 2020 comes to a close?
Michael Gormley’s Course on Faith and Reason (Publicly available starting on January 1, 2021)
Catching Foxes (Podcast)
Every Knee Shall Bow (Podcast)
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