Ep. #189 – Ehrman vs Akin Debate|Debriefing w/ Jimmy Akin

How did Jimmy argue for the historical reliability of the Gospels? What made the debate so cordial? How did Jimmy answer some of the main difficulties Ehrman raised? What did Jimmy want to raise in the debate that he was not able to? And is it really plausible that Joseph owned land in two places? Jimmy Akin joins us for a debate debrief to discuss these topics.
Guest Bio
Jimmy Akin is an internationally known author and speaker. As the senior apologist at Catholic Answers, he has more than twenty-five years of experiencing defending and explaining the Faith. He’s a convert to the Faith and has an extensive background in the Bible, theology, the Church Fathers, philosophy, canon law, and liturgy. He hosts the intriguing podcast Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World. His personal website is JimmyAkin.com. He’s also the author of several books, including the recent books, Teaching With Authority and The Bible is a Catholic Book.
- What do we hope will come from this dialogue?
- What led to a cordial exchange rather than a fiery one?
- Who had the burden of proof?
- What were the goals of your opening statement?
- Do historians break down claims into different levels?
- Is the Jesus of the Synoptics different than John’s Gospel?
- Is Jesus the ‘Son of Man’?
- Can we explain the Synoptics lacking sayings found only in John?
- What was your rebuttal strategy?
- Why did you say Joseph owned land in two places?
- What points did you want to raise that you weren’t able to?
- How could Jesus’s discourse in John 13-17 be preserved over decades?
- Did Jesus really give the sermon on the mount?
- Who was the Baal Shem Toav and why is he relevant?
Jimmy Akin vs. Bart Ehrman: The Debate
Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World (podcast)
Jimmy Akin’s short presentation: Did Jesus Exist and Can You Trust the Gospels?
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