Ep. #239 – Do the Gospels reliably transmit Jesus’s teaching? w/ Gary Michuta

Do the Gospels reliably transmit Jesus’s teaching? How is this possible when they are recorded decades after the events? Could people actually have remembered the Sermon on the Mount? Also, why should we think what the Gospels present is actually true? Gary Michuta joins us to discuss these topics.
Guest Bio
Gary Michuta is a Catholic apologist and evangelist, and the author of several books including Why Catholic Bibles Are Bigger and Making Sense of Mary. He’s also the host of the Hands on Apologetics radio show on Virgin Most Powerful radio show. Over the years, Gary has given hundreds of talks, classes, and seminars around the country. He has debated noted non-Catholics both on radio and in public venues. He is also a frequent guest on Catholic radio shows and podcasts.
The Gospel Truth: How We Can Know What Christ Taught by Gary Michuta
Hands-On Apologetics (Gary’s Website)
Why Catholic Bibles are Bigger by Gary Michuta
The Case for the Deuterocanon by Gary Michuta
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