Ep. #113 – Winning Friends for Christ w/ Fr. Thomas Cavanaugh

How should Catholic evangelize? What does good evangelization look like? What do we actually say? What if we’re worried about being stumped by questions or getting into an awkward encounter? Fr. Thomas Cavanaugh joins us to answer these questions and more as we look at his book How To Win Friends for Christ One Conversation at a Time.
Guest Bio
Fr. Thomas Cavanaugh was ordained in 2013 as a priest of the Diocese of Arlington, Virginia. Currently he serves as a priest at Saint John the Apostle in the Arlington Diocese. He is the author of How to Win Friends for Christ One Conversation at a Time along with Dr. John Love.
- How did you become interested in evangelization?
- What was it like spreading the Gospel at George Mason university?
- What is the “divine message of salvation” (as referenced in CCC 900) and how do you share that in conversation?
- What common issues/roadblocks do you discover when sharing the Gospel message?
- How can we overcome worries that we won’t have good answers to tough questions or that we’ll be awkward evangelists?
How to Win Friends for Christ One Conversation at a Time by Fr. Thomas Cavanaugh and Dr. John Love
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Evangelii Nuntiandi (Encyclical) by Pope St. Paul VI
Redemptoris Mission (Encyclical) by Pope St. John Paul II
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