BONUS | The Trinity in St. Thomas w/ Ryan Hurd

Where does St. Thomas teach about the Trinity? What is the distinction between dogmatics and systematics when it comes to theology? Why is the so-called psychological analogy the highest analogy for St. Thomas? What Scripture does St. Thomas cite in his discussions of the Trinity? Ryan Hurd joins us to answer these questions and more in a bonus episode.
Guest Bio
Ryan Hurd is a systematic theologian whose area of expertise is doctrine of God, specifically the Trinity. His primary training is in the high medievals and early modern scholastics as well as the 20th century ressourcement movement. He has written a number of articles and regularly does translations of early modern theology sources; but his primary project is writing a robust systematics of the Trinity.
The Trinitarian Christology of St. Thomas Aquinas by Fr. Dominic Legge O.P.
The Trinitarian Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas by Fr. Gilles Emery O.P.
Aquinas on the Trinity (article) by Fr. Herbert McCabe O.P.
Davenant Institute Latin Program
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