Ep. #184 – “Iustificare” in the Early Church w/ Dr. Matthew J. Thomas

Was justification understood as an exclusively legal term up until Augustine’s time? Did St. Augustine mistakenly translate justification because he did not know Greek? Is there evidence in the early Church that justification can be understood in transformational as well as legally? Dr. Matthew J. Thomas joins us to discuss these topics and more.
Guest Bio
Dr. Matthew J. Thomas holds a DPhil in New Testament and Patristics from the University of Oxford and has published extensively including his recent book, Paul’s “Works of the Law” in the Perspective of Second Century Reception, which received the Jesus Creed “Book of the Year” Award. He has published numerous articles in publications such as New Testament Studies, Studia Patristica, and Nova et Vetera. He and his wife Leeanne wrote the introduction and commentary for 1 and 2 Maccabees in the Ignatius Study Bible, which is soon to be released. His book for the Popular Patristic Series is forthcoming, focusing on Clement of Rome.
Righteous-ed by Faith: Justification as Factitive in the Pre-Augustinian Tradition (Journal Article) by Dr. Matthew Thomas
Paul’s “Works of the Law” in the Perspective of Second Century Reception by Dr. Matthew J. Thomas
Dr. Matthew J. Thomas (faculty website)
Dr. Matthew J. Thomas’s Academia.edu Page
Paul and the Power of Grace by John M. G. Barclay
The Letter to the Romans by William Barclay
Iustitia Dei: A History of the Christian Doctrine of Justification by Allister McGrath
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