Ep. #139 – Exploring the Third Way w/ Karlo Broussard

What was St. Thomas Aquinas’ Third Way? Can it still be defended today? What are some of the different readings of it that various Thomists on it have taken? How does it differ from the other ways? How does it relate to the De Ente reasoning? Karlo Broussard joins us to discuss these questions and more!
Guest Bio
Karlo Broussard is a staff apologist and speaker for Catholic Answers. He travels the country giving talks on apologetics, the Bible, theology, and philosophy. Karlo holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in theology, and a masters in philosophy from Holy Apostles College. He’s the author of several books including Prepare the Way, Meeting the Protestant Challenge, and a new book Purgatory is for Real.
- What have you been up to since completing your book on Purgatory?
- Who has been helpful to you in understanding the Third Way?
- If we’re wrong on our interpretation of the Third Way here, is this episode useless?
- Break down the argument for us. How does Aquinas get to God by way of the Third Way?
- How would you answer infinite regress objections or quantifier shift fallacy objections?
- How does your reading differ from Fr. Coppleston’s reading?
- What steps need to be taken to get to one God as opposed to at least one being necessary through itself?
Quandoque and Aliquando in Aquinas’ Tertia Via by Fr. Joseph Owens O.P.
The Basis of the Third Proof for the Existence of God by Thomas Kevin Connolly
Fr. Stephen Brock’s YouTube Presentation on the Third Way
Aquinas’s Way to God by Dr. Gaven Kerr O.P.
Does God Exist?: A Socratic Dialogue on the Five Ways of St. Thomas Aquinas by Matt Fradd and Dr. Robert A. Delfino
Purgatory is For Real by Karlo Broussard
Related Episodes
Ep. #27– Defending the 3rd Way with Dr. Delfino
Ep. #60 – A Natural Theology Seminar w/ Dr. Koons