Ep. #126 – A Response to Animal Suffering w/ Dr. Kyle Keltz

What problems of evil have been proposed that focus on animal suffering? How might a Thomistic theist respond to these arguments? If faced with the apparently gratuitous suffering of a fawn trapped and burning to death in a forest fire, how might you respond in 60 seconds or less? Dr. B. Kyle Keltz joins us to tackle these questions and more as we explore his recent book Thomism and the Problem of Animal Suffering.
Guest Bio
Dr. B. Kyle Keltz is an assistant professor of English and philosophy at South Plains College where he teaches introductory philosophy, world religions, and English composition. He earned his Ph.D. in philosophy of religion from Southern Evangelical Seminary. He has articles published in The Heythrop Journal, The Journal of Value Inquiry, New Blackfriars, Nova et Vetera, and Sophia. He also contributed chapters to God and the World of Insects (2017). Also, he’s the author of the recent book Thomism and the Problem of Animal Suffering, which is the subject of today’s discussion.
- How did you first get interested in studying Thomism and animal suffering?
- Give us an overview of the contents of your book.
- What are some of the highlights of the versions of the problem of evil you attempt to answer in your book?
- Chapter two discusses the nature of pain. What do you conclude here?
- What do you examine and conclude in your chapter on the nature of the animal soul? What is the ‘neo-Thomistic view’ you defend?
- How do you respond to one of Draper’s argument in chapter 4?
- What else would you still want to look into to update your responses regarding animal suffering?
- How might you aim to answer the fawn trapped in the forest fire in 60 seconds or less?
Thomism and the Problem of Animal Suffering by Dr. B. Kyle Keltz
The Problem of Animal Suffering by John DeRosa (short article for Catholic Answers Magazine Online)
Do Animals Feel Pain in a Morally Relevant Sense? by Dr. Calum Miller
Answering the Music Man: Dan Barker’s Arguments Against Christianity edited by B. Kyle Keltz and Tricia Scribner
Nature Red in Tooth and Claw: Theism and the Problem of Animal Suffering by Michael Murray
Debate Recap with Trent Horn about his debate with Alex O’Connor
Debate Recap with Fr. Gregory Pine O.P. about his debate with Ben Watkins
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