Ep. #74 – Logic, Physics, & the Human Person w/ Dr. Kemple

What is logic? How does one engage in philosophical questioning? How do questions of physics relate to metaphysics? How should we understand causality in light of Hume’s objections? How should we understand the human person in light of recent neuroscience? Dr. Brian Kemple joins the podcast to give his take on these questions and discuss his book: Introduction to Philosophical Principles: Logic, Physics, and the Human Person.
Guest Bio
Brian Kemple holds a PhD in Philosophy from the University of St. Thomas, in Houston TX. He’s written two books (on one Thomas Aquinas and another on Charles Peirce and Martin Heidegger), a number of scholarly articles and a few public-oriented ones, as well. He’s taught undergraduate courses in the human person, ethics, medieval philosophy, and metaphysics. He is a Thomist and Semiotician, as he’s influenced by the work of St. Thomas Aquinas and Charles Sanders Pierce. Currently, he is the proprietor of Continuum Philosophical Insight, a private philosophical education service, as well as the editor of the newly-founded journal, Reality.
Resources Mentioned
Introduction to Philosophical Principles: Logic, Physics, and the Human Person by Dr. Brian Kemple
Reality: A Journal for Philosophical Discourse
Continuum Philosophical Insight: http://cp-insight.com/ (Philosophical programming and more provided by Dr. Brian Kemple.) “Continuum Philosophical Insight is a new venture which strives to break this exclusivity and bring the insights of theoretical study outside the confines of the ivory tower.” (source)
Participation and the Divine (article) by Brian Kemple [this is an article on the fourth way of St. Thomas Aquinas]
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