Ep. #180 – Metaphysics, Esse, and Aquinas w/ Dr. John F.X. Knasas

Who is Dr. John F.X. Knasas? How did he get interested in studying St. Thomas Aquinas at such a deep level? What is metaphysics? What does it mean to be an existential Thomist? How can we understand the Third Way of St. Thomas Aquinas from the standpoint of existential Thomism? Is it possible to establish the real distinction between essence and esse in creatures prior to arguing for God as the Primary Cause? Dr. John F.X. Knasas joins us to discuss these topics and more.
Guest Bio
John Francis Xavier Knasas is an American philosopher and leading existential Thomist. He is known for engaging such thinkers as Bernard Lonergan, Alasdair MacIntyre, and Jeremy Wilkins in disputes over human cognition to affirm a Thomistic epistemology of direct realism. Also, he is known for defending the thought of Jacques Maritain, Étienne Gilson, and Fr. Joseph Owens. He was formerly the Bishop Wendelin J. Nold Endowed Chair as Professor of Philosophy at the Center for Thomistic Studies at the University of St. Thomas in Houston and earned his doctorate at the University of Toronto, under the direction of Fr. Joseph Owens. He’s the author of several books including Aquinas and the Cry of Rachel: Thomistic Reflections on the Problem of Evil and Thomistic Existentialism and Cosmological Reasoning.
- How did Dr. Knasas get interested in studying metaphysics and St. Thomas Aquinas?
- What is metaphysics and how is it different from philosophical physics?
- Do we need to demonstrate the existence of something immaterial in order to do metaphysics?
- Are Aquinas’ arguments for God proofs of metaphysics or philosophical physics?
- Why is DeRosa asking Knasas about the Third Way as opposed to the other ways?
- How can an existentialist Thomist understand the Third Way of St. Thomas Aquinas?
- Can the real distinction between essence and esse in creatures be demonstrated prior to arguments for a Primary Cause?
Thomistic Existentialism and Cosmological Reasoning by Dr. John F.X. Knasas
Aquinas and the Cry of Rachel: Thomistic Reflections on the Problem of Evil by Dr. John F.X. Knasas
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