Ep. #107 – Classical Theism & Fr. Barry Miller w/ Dr. Kremer

Who was Fr. Barry Miller? What is the main thrust of his argument from existence to God? How does he understand the doctrine of divine simplicity? Dr. Elmar Kremer joins us to answer these questions and more.
Guest Bio
Dr. Elmar Kremer is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the University of Toronto in Canada. His research relates to topics in early modern philosophy and philosophy of religion. He has authored and contributed to many publications including his 2014 book Analysis of Existing: Barry Miller’s Approach to God.
Analysis of Existing: Barry Miller’s Approach to God by Dr. Elmar Kremer
Fullness of Being: A New Paradigm Theory of Existence by Fr. Barry Miller
A Paradigm Theory of Existence by William Vallicella
The Cosmological Argument without the Principle of Sufficient Reason by (1997 article) Elmar Kremer and Bernard Katz
Elmar Kremer on classical theism (blog post) by Dr. Edward Feser
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