Ep. #70 – Minimal Facts & Resurrection w/ Dr. Licona

Dr. Mike Licona joins the podcast to defend the historicity of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. He defends a set of “minimal facts” and offers the resurrection as the best explanation of those facts. Along the way, I press Dr. Licona for specifics and pose some objections. He offers great replies!
Guest Bio
Mike has a Ph.D. in New Testament (University of Pretoria). He is a frequent speaker on university campuses, churches, Christian groups, retreats, frequently debates, and has appeared as a guest on dozens of radio and television programs. Mike is associate professor in theology at Houston Baptist University and the president of Risen Jesus, Inc. Also, he is the author, co-author, and editor of 7 books, including The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach and his 2017 work Why Are There Differences in the Gospels? What We Can Learn From Ancient Biography.
Resources Mentioned
Why Are There Differences in the Gospels? by Dr. Mike Licona
The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach by Dr. Mike Licona
The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus by Mike Licona and Gary Habermas
Dr. Licona’s Appearance on Trent Horn’s Podcast (Episodes 145 & 146)
Related Episodes
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CORE #06 – Jesus is our Messiah and Lord (part 1)
CORE #07 – Jesus is our Messiah and Lord (part 2)
Nice podcast! I have a sugestion if you don’t mind…. It would be great to have Lydia McGrew (the wife of the famous philosopher and apologist Tim McGrew) on your show! She is a briliant epistemologist and a great defender of the historicity of the gospels and the resurection. She is also a critique of some aspects of dr. Licona’s thought, so it would be realy interesting to have her on your show and to talk with her about issues pertaining to the gospels and the resurection. She also recently wrote a book on John, and a book on undesigned coincideces in the NT. Her mail adress is lydia.mcgrew@gmail.com, and you can find some of her works here: http://www.lydiamcgrew.com/
Anyways, I love your podcast, keep going! (ps. Sorry for my bad english…)
Great ideas, Ante, thanks for the lead.